Tutorial 1 is live!

The city of Ambergate is flooding, and four unlikely heroes must act quickly to save the day! While helping ordinary folks escape the rising waters, they come across something that will one day tie their destiny to that of the world of Agemonia itself…

It is finally here! The Agemonia tutorial #1 is now available on Tabletop Simulator! Tabletop simulator is a platform for creating and playing board games in a virtual environment. You may now play the Agemonia first tutorial on the platform, so join us in making history and join the ranks of the players testing the first iteration of the game. No prior experience is required, just a copy of Tabletop Simulator and a computer.

Grab a couple of friends, start up TTS, and just punch in Agemonia Tutorial 1 to get started, or check the link right here.

You can read the rulebook below or download it here.

The Flooded Inn map can also be viewed in the gallery.

The feedback form can be found here.

We would love any feedback you might have on the tutorial through the feedback form, since both the rulebook and tutorial are indeed work-in-progress versions.

The tutorial is also being prepared for the free platform Tabletopia and will be published during Essen Spiel Digital 2020. Agemonia is also available for playtesting during Spiel Digital, where we have several digital game rooms with Lead designer Max Wikström, Rules Editor Paul Grogan, Designers Phil Pettifer and Mikko Punakallio along with others to play the game to virtual Spiel visitors!

Join us in Spiel Digital on 22.-25.10 for several days of board game mayhem and Agemonia testing!



Tabletop simulator web pages: https://www.tabletopsimulator.com/

Tabletop simulator on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/286160/Tabletop_Simulator/

Rules for the Agemonia tutorial

Map of the tutorial on our web pages.

You can also join us in the discussion at discord!


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