Discussing the story with Lead Designer Max Wikström

Discussing the story with Lead Designer Max Wikström

THE AGEMONIA CAMPAIGN: DISCUSSING THE STORY WITH LEAD DESIGNER MAX WIKSTRÖMSitting down with Max to discuss Agemonia with the task to create an article about the man behind the world and to introduce him, we had a chat about the upcoming game as well as the man behind...
Interview with producer and AD Jere Kasanen

Interview with producer and AD Jere Kasanen

GATEKEEPING PLAYABILITY: INTERVIEW WITH PRODUCER AND AD JERE KASANEN”It’s all about playability,” Jere Kasanen begins.  We are discussing his roles in Agemonia. Jere refers to himself as the “man with many hats,” which is an apt term. Titled AD, Developer and...
A chat with Narrative Designer Mike Pohjola

A chat with Narrative Designer Mike Pohjola

Creators of Agemonia: A chat with Narrative Designer Mike Pohjola“Oh, you play tabletop RPGs, you should meet Max, was a phrase I used to hear many times,” Mike Pohjola starts. As the co-creator along with Lead Designer Max Wikström in Agemonia, Mike creates the lore,...
Cartographer Damien Mammoliti

Cartographer Damien Mammoliti

Creators of Agemonia: Cartographer Damien Mammolitia short interview during the summer 2020 Everyone knows how maps are such a large part of a game. They both clarify and define the world they are set in and help bring the world to life and to truly become something....
Illustrator Tomasz Jedruszek

Illustrator Tomasz Jedruszek

CREATORS OF AGEMONIA: ILLUSTRATOR TOMASZ JEDRUSZEKShowcasing some of our talented creators, this time we have a short questionnaire article we did in 2020 with our wonderful illustrator from Poland, Tomasz Jedruszek. Who are you and what do you do in Agemonia? I’m...